
Update WordPress Plugins – Week of February 26

Another week gone and more WordPress vulnerabilities to report.  See US-CERT Bulletin (SB18-064) for more information. This week it’s two VERY popular plugins (1M active Installations), both of which I use on almost all of my websites. The first is iThemes Security.  The plugin versions before 6.9.1 for WordPress do not properly perform data escaping for […]

This Week in WordPress Vulnerabilities – SB18-057

In a never-ending quest to get webmasters to think about WordPress security, here is the latest update from the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security’s National Cyber Awareness System.  There were five new vulnerabilities discovered in four plugins in the WordPress ecosystem over the past couple of weeks.  They are all cross-site scripting (XSS) WordPress vulnerabilities. 

Are the Russians Trying to Hack Your WordPress Website? – IQ Block Country

You may be thinking, “Who in the world would want to hack my lowly little WordPress website?”  Well 48 hours worth of data from a brand spanking new WordPress website may just show you.  I installed a fresh copy of WordPress on a new domain on February 1, 2017.  By the evening of February 3,

Facebook Instant Articles Transformer Rules

As a follow-up to our article back in August on Facebook Instant Articles, today we’re sharing our Transformer Rules for the Divi framework.   We ended up with the following Custom Facebook Instant Articles Transformer Rules to make Divi acceptable to Facebook Instant Articles markup.  You can find the rules already incorporated into the Instant Articles

WordPress Super Snow

WordPress Snow Effects

WP Super Snow We discovered the WP Super Snow plugin a year ago and it worked wonderfully well to add snow effects to our WordPress websites.  It hasn’t been updated since then, but it still works just fine with our sites and the latest version of WordPress (4.6.1).  It doesn’t even slow things down, despite the warnings.

Accelerated Mobile Pages – AMP

Here at Blue Sky Digital Strategy, we are fanatical about website and server performance. We employ a variety of tools to eek out as much speed as we can from our servers and site configurations. Enter Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) –a Google/Twitter/WordPress-supported open source project that allows any publisher to load pages at lightning speed on mobile devices.

Facebook Instant Articles

Update 7/2/2017:  I’m not quite sure what happened, but there was an update for the FBIA WordPress plugin today.  I went back into Facebook’s Business Manager, and magically, Instant Articles was working again.  Still no response from the Facebook support team.  Anyway, everything seems to be right in Facebook world again ;).   Update 6/24/2017:

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