Why is WordPress Superior to Blogger?

This question was just posted on HARO this afternoon:

I’m working for an article, and need info on what ways the WordPress platform is superior to Blogger?

Help A Reporter Out (HARO)
WordPress vs Blogger SEO, Which is Better?

Here’s my quick answer…

WordPress vs. Blogger SEO

Other Reasons WordPress Beats Blogger

  • The number two reason self-hosted WordPress (opposed to WordPress.com) is superior to Blogger or any free platform (or platform like SquareSpace or Wix) is ownership.  On Blogger, you do not own your own content or data, and you could be shut down at any time for any reason.
  • Third, self-hosted WordPress is superior to any free platform is its flexibility.  Free platforms like Blogger are highly optimized and only allow you limited capabilities and features.
  • Free platforms give you a limited number of templates or themes, so customization is limited.
  • It is very difficult to move your blog away from the Blogger platform, where WordPress is highly portable.
  • Finally, WordPress, in contrast to Blogger, is constantly updated and has a very vibrant ecosystem of support options.

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